Friday, April 11, 2008


The Eukaryotes

I Fungi
A. Molds
1. septate hyphae
2. coenocytic hyphae: no septates
3. mycelium: filamentous mass of hyphae visible to naked eye
B. Fleshy fungi
C. Yeasts
1. budding yeasts: divide unequally
a. Saccharomyces
2. pseudohypha: when a bud does not fall off
a. Candida albicans
3. fission yeasts: divide by binary fission
D. Life Cycle
1. sexual and asexual reproduction by the formation of spores
a. asexual spores
i. conidiospore: unicellular or multicellular spore not enclosed in a sac
ii. Aspergillus
E. Lichens: a combination of a green algae (or a cyanobacterium) and a fungus

II Algae: Photosynthetic autotrophs
A. Mostly aquatic
B. eukaryotic photoautotrophs
C. types
1. brown algae: kelp
2. red algae
3. green algae
a. cellulose cell walls
b. contain chlorophyll a and b
4. diatoms: store energy captured through photosynthesis in the form of oil.
5. dinoflagellates: unicellular algae/plankton
a. causes paralytic shellfish poisoning
b. responsible for red tides

III Protozoa: One celled organisms that feed on bacteria and small particulate nutrients.
A. trophozoite: feeding stage
B. cyst: resting stage
C. Slime Molds: have both fungal and animal characteristics.
D. Lifecycle
1. schizogony: multiple fission
E. Nutrition
1. aerobic heterotrophs
F. Pseudopods: fake foot
G. Plasmodium : the causative agent of malaria
1. grows by sexual reproduction in the Anopheles mosquito.
2. sporozites (infective stage) are injected into human during mosquito bite
3. undergo schizogony in liver cells and produce merozoites
4. merozoites enter blood stream and infect red blood cells
5. blood cells rupture and release more
6. picked up by mosquito bite and start sexual cycle
a. mosquito is definitive host
b. human is intermediate host
H. Chiliophora: ciliates
1. Balantidium is the only ciliate human parasite
a. causes dysentery
IV Helminths: multicellular eukaryotic animals. Many are parasitic. Worms.
A. The definitive host harbors the adult sexually mature helminth.
B. Intermediate hosts may be necessary for larval/developmental stages.
C. Types:
1. platyhelminths: flatworms
2. nematodes: roundworms
V Arthropods: joint-legged animals, can be vectors of disease
a. Arachnida
b. Crustacea
c. Insects

Various notes on Eukaryots

Mycorrhizae: symbiotic fungi that help plant roots absorb minerals and water from the soil.

Fungi are capable of metabolizing complex carbohydrates such as lignin(wood).

Fungi cell walls contain chitin.

Mycosis: fungal infection

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