Friday, April 11, 2008


I have a habit of typing my notes into outlines, or retyping the professor's power points into outlines because it is easier for me to learn this way. I also seem to be passing out my notes frequently to other students when they miss a class. So, instead I am starting blogs for my different classes at Broward Community College in lovely South Florida. Hope they help.

Disclaimer: I am only human and tend to zone out when the professors are talking about something other than the topic we should be covering. So if you see an error...please let me know. I take no responsibility for your grades. My notes are simply study aids that are helpful to me, and may be helpful to you. Good luck on all of your endeavors!

Lecture notes and my outlines are posted, not the professor’s handouts.

These notes are for MCB 2010, Microbiology

Microbiology: An Introduction
2004 or 2006
Benjamin Cummings (text website)

The background for this blog is black. Black because that is how I felt during this course. I did earn an A. The beginning of the semester was tougher than the end, but I am not going to kid you...this is a tough course. It is tough because everything is new. Microbes are not usually discussed in everyday conversation. Most of our class went to a bar after the last exam. Yep, you don't do that for easy courses.

My suggestion is to study. Alot. Outline the chapters. Answer the questions at the end of the chapters. Do the practice quizzes on the text website. Buy Micro for dummies if you have to. Good luck, an A is possible.

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